Elite Fuel Service offers three payment options to best meet your needs.
Expand the sections below to learn about our payment options
Budget Plan Overview
The Budget Plan is the best way to pay your fuel bills. It gives you peace of mind and the freedom of knowing what your monthly payment will be, which allows you to spread your annual heating costs over the course of 12 months. Each month, you will receive a monthly Budget Statement that will be due upon receipt. It will indicate your regular monthly payment as well as any other charges covered by your Budget Plan. In addition, the statement will keep you informed of your actual account balance throughout the year.
- Delivery: Upon each delivery, we will leave a delivery receipt at the property showing you the total gallons and price per gallon charged on each delivery, unless you make other payment arrangements with us.
- Mid-Season: Mid-season, we review your account to make sure your monthly budget payment will cover you for the remainder of the season. This will prevent you from having a large debit or credit balance at the end of the Budget Season. The object of the budget plan is to break out almost even at the end of the season.
- Final Statement: Your final Budget Statement (# 12) will be a settlement month, when we will ask you for the remaining balance to close out the year. This will represent the difference between what you actually used and what you have paid for, so far. If there is any credit balance left on your account, it will be rolled over into the next budget season.
Getting Started
First, complete a credit application (available on our Automatic Delivery page). Once you are credit approved, we can discuss what your estimated monthly budget payment will be based on your estimated yearly usage. We simply add a budget plan to your account and send you your monthly budget statement.
Additional Details
- Budget Season: The “Budget Season” begins June 1st of each year and runs for a full 12 months. At the end of your budget season, you will be automatically renewed into the next budget season. Uninterrupted coverage made simple!
- Budget Payment Calculations: Each year, we determine your average monthly payment based on our average price per gallon of fuel, times your estimated annual consumption divided by twelve. To help make sure your plan stays on track, we will review your account halfway through the season and adjust your monthly payment, if necessary.
- Annual Service Plan: Choose our Annual Service Plan and we can incorporate the cost into your budget plan. This allows you to pay for the service plan in payments, rather than in full.
- Mid-Season Budget: We have the ability to prorate a monthly budget for you, if you start mid-season. Again, a monthly budget plan will give you the flexibility to make an equal monthly payment, rather than paying your fuel bills in full after every delivery.
A huge problem we face is the uncontrollable price spikes in the energy market which causes the price to fluctuate wildly and rapidly, sometimes twice a day, which is a major frustration for all of us! We have found a way to help: we are now offering a “Price Insurance” plan that is available for you to purchase.
This price insurance offers a “cap price” for your heating oil, giving you protection against wintertime fuel spikes. In addition to the cap price guarantee, you get an added benefit; if our market price for fuel goes lower than your cap price, which is very possible, you will get the lower market price!
If you are interested in this plan, please call us to check for availability: 610-916-0237
PLEASE NOTE: Cap prices are subject to availability.
Market pricing simply means that you will pay our market price on the day of delivery.
The benefit to this kind of pricing is that when the price drops, so does your cost. And since the prices change almost daily, you will always get a fair price according to the global market value.